Irma Patricia Flores Sauza

Vocation to understand and help others

When you request my services, you will have a mental health professional, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who is genuinely interested in you. I have an international education at various universities and clinical experience in European mental health centers as well as psychotherapy training from America.

With the various specializations in psychotherapy I wish to accompany my clients and patients in finding solutions to their challenges and happiness in this life.

University Education

Professional Master 2 – Clinical Health Psychology, Option in Intercultural Psychology – Université Lumière Lyon 2 

French Professional Licence and Certification

Master in Human and Social Sciences, Clinical Psychology Option – Université Toulouse Le Mirail, France.

Bachelor of Psychology – Human and Social Sciences – Université Toulouse Le Mirail, France.

Diploma of Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Cognitive Neuropsychology – IMPAC – Instituto Mexicano de Psicología AC

Bachelor of Psychology – Universidad del Valle de México, Mexican Professional Licence and Certification

Professional Master 2
Clinical a Psychologist
Option Psychopathology and  Psychoanalytical Therapy
Université Lumière Lyon 2

Professional activity in France

Since 2020, I have dedicated myself to performing psychotherapy online through various social platforms (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, etc.) with patients from various countries in Europe and America, especially during the Covid-19 crisis and pandemic.

During the pandemic I also facilitated counseling sessions, mental health presentations on depression and anxiety, and other topics related to psychology.

My previous position was as coordinator of psychology services for a French university with 45 thousand students, where I spent several years providing trilingual psychotherapy and counseling to young adult and adult university students, French and foreign students and adults from various continents. We also held self-affirmation groups, self-esteem groups, and groups to talk about eating disorders.

In this position I performed psychological evaluation and diagnosis as well as brief psychotherapies and management of suicidal crises, emergencies and psychological first aid as well as post-shock group debriefings (French method).

I also carried out programs for French university teachers and inter-institutional actions for the prevention and promotion of mental health . I also participated in working groups in relation to university psychological health. I maintained links with other associations and with the mental health system of the Rhone Alpes Region, in Lyon, France.

Among my various volunteer activities, I have given my time and my experience to the Lyon Local Antenna of ‘Doctors of the World’, where I collaboratd in the Bus Mission, supporting people in highly precarious situations, listening to people in situations of prostitution, migration, groups of Romanian gypsies, etc. I provided trilingual guidance to people to access the French health system.

I participated in the meetings and clinical supervisions with the other psychologists of this device.

I also participated in the “Days Against World Misery”, I developed links with the system of associations for people in great precariousness; I learned the management of a non-governmental organization.

I had experience on a humanitarian mission with “Doctors Without Borders”; the Mission’s land was in southern Mexico, near the border with Guatemala in a mental health service for Central American immigrants.

As a clinical psychologist for the migrant population, I treated cases of victims of sexual violence, torture, trauma, post shock, psychological crisis management, and evaluations of psychological and psychiatric disorders. I gave ‘one shot’ psychological interventions, brief psychotherapy, and mental health and psycho-social support.

Continuing Education

  • Detection and intervention in the suicide crisis – Terra Method
  • Psychological management of crisis and post-shock – By the Psychological Emergency Unit, Lyon France
  • Management of mental health projects – Regional Health Association
  • Eating Disorders – UCB, Lyon
  • Minkowska Center – Paris : Immigration and Mental Health – Medical Anthropology- Trauma and Torture, Resilience with Boris Cyrulnik, – Immigration and adolescence- Identity and Culture, Female Genital Mutilation, Culture and religion.

Clinical experiences in Paris

With the Red Cross of Val de Marne, in the Medical and Emergency Aid Service on the listening line, my missions consisted of mediation and trilingual psychological support to the indigent population of Paris and its surroundings, translating and making links with the other services hospitals, accommodation centers, etc. I participated in the “Winter Cold Program of the Parisian Region”, participating with my listening, prioritization, pressure management, communication skills and techniques. Psychological telephone interview, etc.


Another experience that was quite interesting was when I first worked as an intercultural psychology intern and later did a clinical and research activity at the Minkowska Psychological Medical Center for the Mental Health of immigrants.


In this center I did psychological evaluations, trilingual psychotherapy, diagnoses with patients. These patients have taught me so much: victims of war from Sub-Saharan Africa, political refugees, victims of torture, women who suffered from domestic violence, genital mutilation, trauma, etc. My patients were people from five continents and of all ages. I received training from social workers and medical psychiatrists specialized in ethno psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and medical anthropology.


I had the opportunity to receive lectures from specialists like Boris Cyrulnik (resilience, identity and culture, culture and region, etc.).


The center sent me to a psychology conference on the subject of torture ¡and its psychological consequences. This was the beginning of my interest in psychotraumatology and later I developed clinical competencies for the psychological management of trauma following North American methods .


When I arrived in France, my first master’s internship was at a Hospital Establishment for Dependent Seniors (EHPAD, for its acronym in French) that I did at Maison Retraite Médicalisée Marengo Jolimont, in Toulouse, France.


My missions consisted in carrying out the evaluation, diagnosis and psychological monitoring of elderly patients, doing cognitive stimulation workshops (memory, music, conversation, movement). I worked together with the occupational activities coordinator and also received the families of the patients.


In this establishment, I did my Master 1 research by conducting a workshop on Activities with a Companion Animal (a labrador trained by the El tiempo del Animal association) using animal-assisted therapy techniques.


In this facility I received training in geriatric psychology and had experience with patients in the Alzheimer’s unit. My Master’s thesis was on depression management with animal-assisted therapy techniques.

Mexico, a rich and formative experience

I had a brief experience as a full-time teacher in a technical school for preschool educators creating psychological education manuals and dealing with certain subjects such as child psychopathology, developmental psychopathology, social relations, etc. I provided psychology training to classes of 30 to 50 students.


I also helped in the management and the pedagogical team, and provided support in the conception of the programs for this school.


At Fray Bernardino Álvarez Psychiatric Hospital, I did an internship to complete the practicum requirement of my university continuing education diploma of Cognitive Neuropsychology by IMPAC.

The tasks consisted of the evaluation and neuropsychological diagnosis of the patient, administering neurocognitive tests, and the creation of the patients file with neuropsychological instruments and reports.


My first job as an independent psychologist was in various preschools in Mexico. I performed assessments on children using developmental psychology interventions.


I provided psychological support for children with emotional difficulties, administering activities to stimulate development and accompanying tutors and parents. Play Therapy and play activities.

In my initial year of professional practice I had an interesting and controversial experience within a Dolphinarium where Assisted Therapy with Dolphins was carried out for children with special challenges. Later I became the coordinator of this psychology service. There I performed evaluations, diagnoses and psychological reports and I participated in assisted therapy with dolphins by getting into the water with the children. I provided psychological support to parents about the psychological consequences of handicap and held mental health information meetings.

I developed the therapy service with a psychological emphasis within the Dolphinarium, and I was the co-creator and coordinator of the project.

During the various internships carried out within the framework of my psychology degree, I did internships at the organization “Mensajeros de la Paz” in Mexico City. This is a non-governmental organization for the protection of children in the private sector. My missions consisted of visiting minors with psychological problems, conducting interviews, evaluations and reports on child and adolescent psychopathology. I provided psycho pedagogical support for the children’s tutors.


Other practicums of my psychology degree from the Universidad del Valle de México include:


Observation practicum of children in public elementary schools.


Children’s language analysis workshop.

UVM High School, practicums with adolescents, development of a program to prevent sexual abuse and violence.

Within the framework of psychopathology subjects, I carried out semester-long practicums at the Fray Bernardino Álvarez Psychiatric Hospital in interventions with young patients and adult men and women.

Since 1998 I have published psychological articles in various editorials and magazines for all audiences, answering questions from the public, providing ideas to the editorial manager, and writing columns on family, couples, sexuality, social life, an friendships, with the objective of information and prevention.

I have written, researched, and worked on the popularization of psychology and mental health topics. I have provided advice for readers and became a consultant for the writing team on mental health and psychology issues, doing teamwork with the editorial committee and other communication professionals